Unmatched Precision.
Unrivaled Experience.
No matter how specific your project, we ensure the highest level of customer care and support to machine items that are highly precise and extremely resilient.
We have the ability to take on diverse and varied projects; some of the machining and services we offer include:
- 5-Axis Plastics Machining
- 7-Axis Plastics Machining
- 100+ Material Options
- Assembly
- CNC Milling
- CNC Turning
- Design for Manufacturing (DFM) Assistance
- Finishing, Deburring, Painting and Polishing
- Polymer and Composite Material Expertise
- Quick Turn-Around
We’re proud to offer a complex quality assurance process that focuses on product quality,
fast delivery and cost-effective options.
Whether you need guidance from your product’s initial vision or require the highest precision for your project’s set specifications, we have a direct and open communication with customers and address quality at every step of your custom plastics machining process.
Engineering &
Consulting -
Conceptualization -
Machining -
Assurance -
Unforeseen requirements and complexity typically increases throughout the development process. AIP has proven to stay committed in providing solutions and holding critical tolerances while retaining the original design intent. Medtronic has received finished prototypes from AIP before receiving no-quote responses from other suppliers.
R&D EngineerMedtronic
Explore Our Materials
Check out our materials inventory to get
an idea of where you want to start.